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Objections over books proliferate

A story written by Patrick Varine on March 15 in the Tribune Review covers the subject of objections over books which has happened in two local school districts, Hempfield and Franklin Regional.

Varine quotes Deborah Caldwell Stone from the American Library association numerous times. Her statements are very condescending towards parents who make objections and inaccurate. She feels it’s only because parents see other objections on social media that they make objections. She feels only educators and librarians are qualified to determine if a book should be used in schools, libraries with no other input!

Varine did not include any comments from those with opposing views. The article was very one sided.

Today in a second article Varine followed up with the issue of a book in Franklin Regional. This story was very well done and had feedback from people on both sides of the issue to remove a book from a honor’s program. It was very done!. The school district is doing a good job of handling the issue.

I sent Varine an email today congratulating him on the story and it’s being well balanced.. I did tell him the first story did lack balance.

I am very interested in this subject and that all sides should be heard on objections to books in schools. My letter to editor deals with this also.

Let me know what you think!