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Book Review of The Last King of America by Andrew Roberts

This new book about King George III is a fantastic read. It contains a lot of new information that has just been recently published by the British government after its release by Queen Elizabeth II.

You really have to be committed to the subject because it is 2400 pages long of which 1700 is text with 700 pages of photos and bibliography. Wow! It took me 8 days to read!

But,boy was it worth the time! I learned alot about the history of the monarchy and Georges I and Ii. The Third reigned for over 50 years! The book tries to break the myth that he was an iron fisted despot.

George was a well educated king and patron of the arts and music! He considered himself a Patriot King and in fact was a constitutional monarch. He was extremely dedicated to Britain and its Constitution.

Robert’s covers the relationships the King had with the numerous prime ministers that served the government in his reign and the King’s relationship with Parliament. In all his dealings he was respectful of his position and dealt with them in a proper way for a Constitutional monarch and did not throw temper tantrums and assert his will. He did not act like other monarchs or dictators.

The majority of the book covered the American colonies, the Declaration of independence and the Revolutionary War. The French and Indian War set the stage for growth and development of the colonies free from interference from France and the Indians. Britain wanted to recover some if the cost of the war and thus began attempts at taxation. Britain really never got much from that taxation. The tea tax at about a penny a pound was the stroke that broke the camel’s back!

Robert’s reviews the Declaration of Independence and discusses Jefferson’s 29 complaints about the King and finds that only 2 were true, the rest propaganda! He admits that at that point the 13 colonies were too strong to back to colonial status.

Once France entered the Revolutionary War and Spain declared war also , the tide turned against Britain fighting a war on 3 fronts, the colonies, Europe and the West Indies. The sugar industry of the Indies took high priority. Also, they were fighting in India. The atrocities of the War were minimal on both sides. George refused to fight a scorched earth war against his own citizens! Once the war was over the King looked to establish diplomatic relations with the United States!

I really enjoyed this book and learned so much. I highly recommend it. It earned an A+ from me. It really made me think and consider another point of view! That is what reading is all about!