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Young Man begins career 50 years ago, Jan. 2, 1974

A 22 year old from Erie, Pa. starts his first job of his career with the Westmoreland Fayette Council, BSA in Greensburg Pa. on Jan. 2, 1974. I was hired to be Exploring Executive for the Council.

I began the interview process when I received a phone call from the Scout Executve Russ Snyder. His voice and expressions reminded me of John Wayne, as he asked me to come to Greenburg for the interview.

I went to the interview and was offered the job and I accepted. I was to start on Jan. 2nd and had to find a place to live. On a trip to Greensburg in December I found a furnished mobile home in Norvelt for $100 a month. My return drive to Erie was harrowing. It snowed the whole drive from Greensburg, Pa. Turnpike to I-79 until I reached I -90 just south of Erie. On the north side of I-90 there was no snow at all, like a curtain had been drawn. Wow, I never forgot that trip!

Site ot the Scout office

When I started on Jan. 2nd I reported to the office at 331 S. Main street. The Council was on the second floor of the United Way building. That day I was greeted by my immediate supervisor, Field Director Clint Rohrbacher. Another man was also starting that same day, Gary Ruffhead taking the position of Program director.

The Council office was in 3 rooms on the second floor of the building. The first room had 3 people at work. The Program Director, the Program secretary, Lorraine Sedlacko and the bookkeeper, Bonnie Miller. Russ Snyder’s office was a large closet off this room.

The second room had Dottie Kirchner working as advancement secretary and Jovanna Peternelli working as program support. In that room Leaders came to get their boys badges and register. This room had mimeograph machine and addressograph. No computers or copy machines yet!

The third room was the office of Clint Rohrbacher and the registrar- Eileen Haggerty. The Forbes District Executive had a desk there. There was a table with mailboxes for the other 6 field staff when they came into the office. We were to maintain home offices in our districts or service Areas.

On that day our professional staff consisted of :

  • Russ Snyder Scout Executive
  • Clint Rohrbacher Field Director
  • Gary Ruffhead Proram Director
  • E.T. Ferguson Braddock Trail District Executive
  • Ron Tagliaboske Bushy Run D.E.
  • Dave Somerville, Chestnut Ridge D.E.
  • Bruce Wentworth, Forbes D.E.
  • John Rogish, Old Trails D.E.
  • Al Saraceni, Old Trails A.D.E.
  • Jack Waite, Exploring Executive

My job was to give direction and Leadership to the Counil Exploring committee and through them support the 45 Explorer posts with close to 900 Explorers. Most posts were Career orientated posts in a particular field. Medical explorers were the largest group followed by Law, Engineering and banking . I was responsible for conducting a Career survey in all Junior and Senior high schools in the two county area. Probably surveyed over 5000 students. Then we would invite the students by letter to join the post of their career interest.

It was a great first job and I did a lot of driving. I organized the first Coed Exploring weekend at Camp Conestoga with a live local rock band playing for over 100 Explorers.

Yeah, Exploring was Coed with over 50 % of the members being female!

I still maintain contact with John Rogish, Dave Somerville and Jovanna Peternelli.

I went on to have a 43 year career with the BSA. My only employer! More on that later!

A future Scout Professional