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Old Man Jack’s review of Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

This classic novel written in 1852 was available to read thru my library as an e book.

I never read it before but had learned about it as a youth. It is a fantastic book and Stowe’s writing contributed to the Abolitionist movement. Stowe wrote it like a narrative and written from first hand accounts of slaves, slave owners and witnesses to the horrors of slavery.

Uncle Tom,the hero, could barely read,but what he could read was the Bible and in the end it was his faith that set him free! His faith ruled his actions towards his fellow slave and his masters. Many radicals have criticized men like Martin Luther King calling them an Uncle Tom. Well after reading the book, I think that is the highest complement you can give!

In the book Stowe tells all sides of the slavery story from the mouths and actions of the characters. Simon Legree was the villain slave owner who was modeled after a man Stowe’s brother met and visited on the Red river. Stowe guides some of the characters through a enlightenment based on their Christian faith. The Bible is quoted throughout the book to point the way!

In her final chapter Stowe lays the blame for slavery on all parties…people from the North, people from the South and all Christians that don’t follow their faith. A very strong statement for 1852!

It is one of the best books I ever read! Please read it!