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My Winter Olympics Boycott!

I urge you to join me in a boycott of the Bejing 2022 Olympics by not watching on TV or following the events taking place in Communist China.

China is site of numerous human rights violations and the World and especially the International Olympic committee has turned a blind eye to these violations.

It will be a month long propaganda campaign with our U.S. Media and large corporations providing the means to spread the word.

Not to mention the billions of dollars of profit for China, the International Olympic committee and large corporations.

China’s goal is World domination, don’t let them fool you! The motto ” Together for a shared future ” is a ruse!

I support our Olympic athletes from the United States but they are pawns being used by China, The International Olympic committee and large corporations to further China’s goals.

It is the goal of the Olympics to promote peace and understanding in the world! What a joke!