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Let Us Dream- Pope Francis

Book review :

This is a great book by Pope Francis written as response to Covid 19 and the state of the world. When I put this book on hold with the Library, I was unsure if I would be able to read it. Most books by Popes I thought were over my head.

Not this book, Let Us Dream. It is a common sense, faith based book on how to solve the world’s problems. To solve a problem according to Francis you need to contemplate, discern and propose. The 3 parts of the book were a time to see, a time to choose and a time to act.

His thoughts were that the people need to work together to consider those on the fringes to help ensure all people have access to land, labor and lodging. He stated that we need to respect God’s creation and use it for the benefit of all people, not for the profit of the few wealthy ( 1 % of total). He talked about this in context of Catholic Social Teaching. He said we should act in solidarity ( being all connected) and in subsidiarity ( act with all ) with all people.

Our discernment needs the help of the Holy Spirit to think outside the box. According to Francis the Holy Spirit is constantly leading us to new considerations that may seem contrary to our beliefs, but are leading us to resist the bad spirits.

He also suggested the synodal method of addressing the world’s issues. A synod is where all voices are held and solutions are reached, and all benefit. He suggested that politicians act for the people, that they be servants of the people. I agree, that’s how they should act.

Lot of great points in this great book. Everyone should read this book and act on his suggestions. We should act as Christ did and he asks us to follow him. Maybe we could really change the world and all be the better for it!

I rate this book an A++++. I didn’t list all the great points that Pope Francis made in this book…. there were too many! It was a great read, easy to understand and I read it in just over 3 hours.