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Laws that govern our society…do we have too many? What is the role of the family?

In a free country made up of people who have been given free will by their creator, do we need more laws to govern our every move? It seems like it from our state and federal governments! They have to justify their existence!

Just a couple of examples that I find ridiculous! Pa. has a law restricting the release of balloons in to the sky. Also you have to clear snow off your car before you drive it on the highway. Duh! There are alot more of these head scratchers. I guess if it bothers you, have a law created.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights outlines the power of the federal government and its three branches. Everything not covered there is to be handled by the States each in their own way! The states in turn decide what legal power local governments possess.

I can understand laws about murder, assault and stealing. But laws about personal conduct especially if your conduct does not affect another person are an overreach. What about the law in NYC that banned sodas over 32 ounces? That’s overreach.

God, our Creator gave us 10 commandments. Love God and all people! Shouldn’t that about cover all the bases? Other religions have their beliefs, too!

In our society it is the job of the family to teach and enforce their own code of ethics that adhere to laws created by society. In the past, church and school helped reinforce those standards. But schools can’t or won’t do that now and school standards are the problem now as they go against most family standards. And some churches have changed too and Church participation is in decline. Soooooo what do we do?

We have so many government programs and funds available to support families but they need to make the first step to get their children on the right path! Gun violence is the number one symptom of lack of parent control and family standards. All the money in the world can’t fix the family!

Society will punish law breakers and that is society’s role. That doesn’t make society the culprit, it’s the family’s fault!

So change society one family at a time……YOURS!