Castle talks about the bank failures and our government’s response. As in 2008 banks are losing money in risking investments and our government will cover all the losses even going over what is insured by the FDIC. In addition to the risky investments the Fed has raised interest rates to fight inflation which then precipitated the banks shortfall.
So why does our government guarantee the losses. They say it doesn’t cost the taxpayers but who pays the bank fees that that banks charge to cover the expense? Castle calls it a lot of” smoke and mirrors.”
The government should pay only the FIDC coverage and let the chips fall where they may! Then maybe, just maybe banks will be more responsible Lol. Shouldn’t we be a free market economy ? These actions and the whole Federal Reserve system are not sanctioned by our Constitution and should be discontinued and abolished!
The whole inflation scenario is caused by government overspending, government interference in the Energy industry and government regulation of business. TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT!