This page is opinion about the Castle report presented Weekly by Darrell Castle a member of the Constitution Party and the party’s candidate for President in 2016. www.castlereport.us
Journal of a Plague Year- a Terrible choice
The only thing happening in the world is the Virus. The U.S. is putting itself in a negative GDP to slow the virus. How long can this go on without the total destruction of our economy?
Unemployment is at record high already at 6.6 million.
Is the cure worse than the disease? What will the Federal government do to prevent a total collapse?
For now $6 trillion to bail us out. 80% of Americans will get help amounting to $560 billion. Can depression go away with phony money? We will find out! The trouble with our economy is it 70% consumptive and only 30% productive.
Other suggestions are:
1. Global government to control response for health and economy.
2. Gates suggests when we have a vaccine, government should issue a ” digital certificate ” for who has recovered and who got the vaccine. It would be necessary to have the certificate to do anything. It could happen, our government can do whatever it wants without restraints!
Another point is that the government has no money, they can only print more! The Democrats extol Socialism and condemn Capitalism. We don’t have Capitalism in this country because if we did the economy would not be failing. For Capitalism to work, corporations must be allowed to fail, we have bankcrupsy for that!
What we have is fascism or corporatism, where there is a union between government and the corporations to run the country. Right now it’s a game for insiders and high ranking government and bureaucratic officials.
Right now we have a choice between a large group of vulnerable people and we have an economy rapidly sinking into depression, maybe fatally!
What is the answer? Should we start now to restore the economy or continue what we are doing, print money? Do we sacrifice the vulnerable? There are no easy choices just bad ones and worst ones!
I say that we need some kind of happy medium! Get back to work with construction, manufacturing and agriculture so that we are producing things to buy with some what of a normal economy. Let individual citizens make a choice.
Do they want to work, have a job or sit back and let government bail them out. There is a risk to anything! Just do your best to care for your family the way you see fit.
I also feel that the state government of Pennsylvania should get back to work to support its people. There are ways to do things safely if we all work together.

A Journal of the Plague year
Castle is not too happy about being quarantined at home, not being able to work. Quarantine is from the Latin word that means 40. He and I are both hoping this will not last for forty days.
Castle is critical of Congress’s inaction on the relief package. Still trying to push through changes in the election laws to make it easier for non citizens to vote to support the Democratic agenda. But maybe they now see the light! Our country needs this! Castle is critical of bailing out large corporations not because of the virus but because of their poor management like Boeing.
Castle feel as the President is trying with his daily press conferences detailing action being taken by the administration. At least he is being open and transparent. But that doesn’t please the opposition because it is being well received, people are learning! They try to discredit them as campaign rallies.
Sales lead the economy, so we need the economy working so everyone is working to keep the country working! . .

Journal of the Plague year-Redux
Castle talks about 4 possible scenarios concerning Covid-19 or as he calls it the Wuhan Flu.
- It jumped from animals to humans, spread over China,got on an airplane and infected the whole world
- Bat virus from bio lab in Wuhab escaped .
- Bioweapon launched by U. S. against China and Iran, the rest of the world got caught in collateral damage.
- Once virus got here used it to thin population by targeting Senior citizens and then control what is left with government restrictions
Which one do you think is right?
Castle’s concern and mine is the worry of Government control over business, churches, free assembly. Will these rights come back when virus crisis is over? What will be the long term effects on small business? You know the Government will bail out the large corporations! President is calling for aid to all! Where will the money come from for that?
Castle reports that the virus is abating in China. One possible lesson learned is that closed borders worked in Russia and other countries.

His challenge for us is to Do our Best, Take necessary Action and Pray for Deliverance.
The New Sultan
Castle talked about the new sultan, a new Ottoman dictator that has arisen in Turkey. His name is Recip Erdogan and he has no qualms about his plans for the Islamic conquest of Europe. He will conquer Europe by releasing millions of Moslem migrants across his border. NATO was created to protect the member nations from invasion. But Turkey is a member of NATO and is launching an invasion against it’s fellow NATO members.The last time Turkey tried this the European Union paid Turkey off not to send migrants. Turkey is now in violation of that agreement. The migrants are poised on the border with Greece.
The move is being objected to by some European neighbors like Germany, through Angela Merkel who said the busing of migrants close to Greece is the wrong approach. Turkey has opened their border with Greece allowing anyone to leave through Greece. And Greece with their financial woes is unable to resist alone and has asked the European Union for financial assistance. Europe will be resistant as long as Greece does the work.Time will tell if Europe will grow a backbone.
It is time for Europe to step up and help Greece because the rich countries, the ones with great social programs, are the destinations of these migrants. Despite wanting to help these migrants in small numbers that can be handled,it won’t happen that way.
The US needs a strong Europe to maintain some kind of order in our world!
Den of Thieves
Castle talks about the Democratic candidates, but mostly Bernie Sanders. Sanders defines Democratic Socialism as a fight for justice, decency and human dignity. The other Candidates won’t denonce or deny what Sanders says because he is right,they must approve.
America became what it used to be because of freedom and liberty, freedom of thought, speech and press.along with free markets.
While Congress and others are talking about the virtue of collectivism of private property, the dream of wage justice, people in socialist countries are trying to escape to the freedom of capitalism.
Castle defines democratic socialism as the theft of property and labor for the benefit of larger groups of the masses.
The magic is that we get to vote for the pillage! Millenials buy in and want to take by force what they don’t have from their rightful owners. Sanders and others appeal to those who feel left out! That they are entitled to everything they need! How much will it cost they ask? “Trust me,I’ve got it all worked out! ” is the answer they get from Sanders and the rest.
The change to socialism will come unless there is a complete change of direction! Do we really want the end of private enterprise, private property and the profit motive to drive people. Do we want the government to be the only employer?
The Candidates are not profit seekers,they are power seekers. They will do whatever it takes to induce voters to give them more power. They will waste your money, your tax dollars on projects that will make them more popular and more powerful.
As I have said before, elect a Congress and a President that will fix what we have! It can be done but not by anyone on either side of the aisle or any presidential candidate we have now.!
“Let’s take our Country back! It is ours, not the Federal Government’s or Congressmen or the Mega-corporations that control them!”

Michael Bloomberg- too Rich to Ignore
Castle talks about Michael Bloomberg but I am not going to share it all but some of his major points
Bloomberg has bought his way into the Democratic Debates and is now a legitimate candidate for President. He is willing to pay to get his message out. He has already spent $400 million. He has bought so much advertising that it is hard not to know about him. Sometimes purchasing media coverage is the only way to get it.
Oh, by the way, he is worth $61 billion. Bloomberg and Trump, both New Yorkers hate each other. Bloomberg’s main ideas are Save the Planet, Fix Wall Street and basically implement Obama Part 2 policies.
The late George Carlin used to do a very funny skit about the arrogance of saying you’re going to save the planet. I can hear him now, “these arrogant bourgeoise liberals who think they alone can save the planet. The planet is fine, leave it alone, but the people are bad.
Bloomberg has made one scary admission. Perhaps the most important thing he has said recently was his admission that death panels would be necessary in the new healthcare. He said that healthcare is unaffordable for everyone and that if you are 90 and have prostate cancer, we will have to tell you, sorry we can’t help you. So once again in his Democrat elitist, nanny-state, we know everything and you don’t view, the government in Mr. Bloomberg’s Administration decides who lives and who dies. It was a vitally important admission because it confirmed that the only way to afford free healthcare for all is to empower the single payer to make the ultimate decision of what the word all means.
Castle concluded his post with H.L. Mencken’s quote about politicians: “The state or to make matters more concrete, the government, consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who paint and pine for something they can’t get, and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time it is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advanced auction on stolen goods.”
Castle talked about the debate a few days ago. Held in Las Vegas Nevada, the debate was billed as a heavy weight title fight, but if it was, then it was the first one without a heavy weight or even a title. Mr. Bloomberg did well in my view, although he was hammered by all the others. He is, after all, the late arrival at their family reunion. He did his best to remain poised and did not get rattled when the others attacked him. Their attacks directed primarily at him are indications that they fear him as their greatest rival. They are right to do so because he comes across as the most competent and electable of the bunch.
But here is where I really want to make a point. During this campaign the economy and especially the systems of Capitalism and Socialism have been big issues. Destroy Capitalism, because of the Corporate greed, and greed of CEOs. Adopt Socialism, that will fix everything!

In my reading of Robert B.Reich’s book “Saving Capitalism”, he explained that our government does control the system of Capitalism by passing laws that govern the way the whole country and all companies do business . The States have some powers, too. Right now we have the wrong laws and need to make changes. But the politicians that need to make the changes are in the pockets of all the corporate lobbyists that are fighting any change. Do any of the Candidates for President, House or Senate on either side of the aisle say that or endorse that? NOOOOOOOOOOO!
We need to elect a majority in the House and in the Senate and a President that will make serious reforms in our system of Capitalism that will better work for all of Us! We have the power to make this happen!
President Trump’s 2020 Budget
In a letter that accompanied the budget proposal he called for ” all to work together to renew bonds of love and loyalty that bind us together as friends, as patriots and as Americans” Good try, President Trump but no one is listening. There is less love between politicians and their followers than ever before in our history.
The budget proposes a $1,1 trillion deficit, with not much in cuts. It calls for deficit spending for another 15 years. Today’s Democrats will not work with today’s Republicans no matter what the proposal., the debt will continue to grow. Budget will not pass!
President Trump calls for preserving peace through strength. Aggression aaint U.S. interests, those interests are keeping us in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan .REALLY? Yeah, the interests of the companies that supply the military and government contractors!!!!!
A new fighter jet F-35 has just come on line at cost of $400 million per plane with over 9 major problems already found. And this is on top of another fighter jet also just released the F-22. Come on, do we really need both to protect our “interests”?
Democrats prefer to operate without a budget, that way there are no limits on spending and Republicans won’t do anything about it.
Most of the candidates in the primaries only want to spend more money to give us what the masses want, more handouts that we can’t afford! Just use our money and the money of future generations, there are no limits!
Castle is right that’s how the members of the SWAMP act!!!!!
Castle View- Fahrenheit 451
The Castle report this week dealt with the tech tyrant, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter and their efforts to silence opposing views and banning books and thoughts of any one they don’t agree with.
If you remember the book or the movie Fahrenheit 451 it was about the government burning all books. It was scary but who thought it could happen……
It is happening now but without the flames just digitally banned. Amazon today decides which books get sold and which ones don’t ……… destroyed. Any author that shares something they don’t believe is banned.
No company should have that power. Does this scare anyone in our government, the Justice Dept.? No they are controlled too.
The tech tyrants and the banks are working together and are more powerful than the government. Government has to follow the rules, the Bill of Rights. These companies have no such controls on them.
Our education system is to blame also. 48% of college students feel that hate speech should not be protected and 37% of the public feels the same way. Speech is free all speech whether we agree with it or not.
This is all about power. POWER CORRUPTS. Power from these companies must by pried away from them.
We should be able to tell powerful people what they don’t want to hear, without costing our jobs and social standing.
We need to demand that these companies be put under our control. Elect people who will do that!!!!
This page is opinion about the Castle report presented weekly by Darrell Castle a member of the Constitution Party and the party’s candidate for President in 2016. (www.castlereport.us)