119. The Warsaw Protocol Steve Berry 12/1-10
120. The One- John Marrs, e,n 12/3-6
121. COLD Snap-Marc Cameron, e, 12/7-8
122. Decision Points- G.W. Bush 12/11-13
123. Corpses say the ….Doug Lamorey, f, 12/ 14-15
124. Command and Control, Marc Cameron,e,12/16-19
125. Night School-Lee Child a, 12/19-20
126. Private Moscow- James Patterson,e 12/20-21
127. Saturn Run John Sandford/ Ctein12/22-27
128. The Sumerians-Henry Fischman n f, 12/22-27
129. A place called freedom, Ken Follett, 12/28-30
Key e= ebook, n= new author, a=audiobook
f= freebie

Year in review
I read a total of 129.books in 2024, a new record for me. I read 44 authors for the first time. I listened to 12 audiobooks and got 14 books from Freebie, a site for free e books. A vast majority of what I read comes from the Westmoreland county Library by ebook. I really like the selection available. It’s a challenge to get the new books that come out, you have to be quick or you will wait months for John Grisham, Stephen King or C.J. Box
Six year Reading Total
I started keeping track of the books I read in 2018.
2018 -31
Total -585