This site is for “Everday People “.
So all these things led me to do a blog!!
When I retired I started writing on Facebook and my first try at writing an article was doing Movie Reviews, which I called Jack’s Flic pics. I wrote them for about a year. Linda and I were going to the Movies every Tuesday, so I started writing reviews. I had good comments on my reviews from the people who read them! IT was a lot of fun! The next thing I started doing was writing comments on the Castle Report and then on to writing Letters to the Editor of the Tribune Review. In 2019 I had 5 letters published out of 5 that I submitted. Not a bad record. in 2020 submitted 3, topics were economic reform, our rights and the four Freedoms. None written in 2021 and 2 written in 2022 on the Bejing Winter Olympics and on Book Bans.
Here are some statistics: In three years and 2 months I have had 3,935 views to my website with 3,398 visitors. The highest number of views in one day was 79. Right now I have 108 followers . My blog is also on Facebook and when I do a blog post, it is linked to Facebook
When I started I created 8 pages plus the Blog page. The Pages contain articles written as a blog then posted to the pages. I hope to learn how to do it in an easier way. When I first started I had a schedule of publication that I tried to follow for about 4 months. Now I write when I get a thought or motivation. I now have 12 pages plus the blog page.

What I have learned is that the blogs that are the best received are the ones about famly, book reviews and my A Moment for God’s Word. But as you know I also write about politics and anything else that is bothering me.

My family history blogs got the most views, especially the ones about my Dad, Wilbur and his family.
I am retired and live in Greensburg,Pa. I like to read novels, go to movies and concerts. I definitely have my opinions on Politics and religion and don’t mind sharing. I have a lot of great memories that I will share. Some day I would like to write a book.
I appreciate your following. That’s the fun part… why I do it Please feel free to comment on my stories! You are welcome to SHARE anything I post.
Please log on to jackwaiteblog.com and check all the pages I gave created over the years! You will be surprised to read all the stories I have told here!